Sunday, May 22, 2011

Vitamin D deficiency symptoms

Vitamin D is said to be a fat soluble vitamin which is organically found in certain foods. They are also available in the form of dietary supplement. Another way of getting vitamin D is through the absorption of certain amount of UV rays from the morning sun. It should be noted however that whether Vitamin D is acquired through food supplements, directly from organic foods or exposure to the sun’s rays, it passes through two processes before it is finally utilized by the body. This complex processes is called hydroxylation and occurs within the liver and kidney. What then are the Vitamin D deficiency symptoms that will help people know that they lack this important vitamin?

There are several symptoms associated with deficiency in Vitamin D. Research has shown that those who are at greater risk of suffering from deficiency of Vitamin D are the strict vegetarians. This is mainly because they don’t certain foods like liver, fish oil, eggs and other foods through which Vitamin D is obtained. Since this vitamin plays an important role when it comes to the full operational function of the human body and even goes a long way to determine cellular growth, absence of it is sure to lead to serious health conditions. This makes it necessary that you know most of the Vitamin D deficiency symptoms in order to avoid to a great extent, these health conditions related to lack of Vitamin D.

Some of these symptoms include but not limited to the following:

· Rickets

· Low calcium levels

· Excessive Sweating

· Deformation of the skull and lots more

For this reason, it is advised that parents should watch their children carefully for any Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms which may also manifest in the form of slow teeth growth. Whatever it takes, children should be given the required daily dose of Vitamins, especially Vitamin D that will help them in developing health wise.

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